Basic information about Balance SHEET

Balance infiniteThe Balance Sheet
of studies at the Electro-technical Faculty in Bratislava
recipe for making a beef soup
a tale about why things are like that.

Literary style: Novel.

Category: A practical and socialistic and catastrophic bestseller about three possible destructions of the planet Earth (with emphasis on “catastrophic“, and of course with not a lesser emphasis on “bestseller“).

Bibliography that gets better and better after each reading.

Photography by Kata Gajdosikova.

Illustrations with accompanying text by Rastislav Dobos.

Copyright © 1984 – 1991.

Version 151.01

The authors reserve all rights. Any unauthorized use of the published text and illustrations or parts thereof are forbidden.
(Authors´ contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ).

Number of pages: 100 (a nice number).
ISBN: 80-900470-3-3


Availability: The book has been sold out for a decade. Whoever has it, can jump a meter high; even the author does not have one. If I as the author want to read something good, I must borrow it from my parents.


The foreword to the book has been written by a poet Jozo Urban:

“The book of Rasto Dobos is an original attempt to create his own myth ... it proceeds from a French pataphysical tradition (Jarry, but particularly Vian) and uses similar techniques ... it contains multi-layer humor. Extraordinarily valuable is that even in the present time of the witch-hunt renaissance he does not refrain from taboo topics, parodies, mockeries and blasphemies ... I would like to mention one more “Godfather“ of Dobos´ book – Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. His track presence is revealed by careful skepticism and usage of several post-modernistic techniques as for example intertextuality ... We are not used to such a reading. All the more it can unveil unexplored realms to us.“

                                                                                                   Jozef Urban, poet.

To shed more light on this, Urban liked the book very much, and we well celebrated the Krasko Prize together.

                                                                                                   (Author´s remark)

Last Updated (Tuesday, 20 April 2010 09:14)