Message from Gods

Smrt kozy posolstvo bohov>From: Johnny < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >

>To: “Me“ < This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >

>Subject: Smithereens

>Date: 13 April, 2002 07:58 AM>


yesterday evening before bedtime (yet I want to say that I was completely sober) the conception of the world and the universe, which I have been building brick by brick as a more or less logically comprehensive system from the beginning of my life, was definitely shattered to smithereens. I am quite shaken by it, and although I know that I’ll get over it and the common reality will swallow me up, I'll have to start again from the scratch. I'm saying literally from the beginning. You remember our first philosophical debates in high school when for a moment we touched the knowledge even though we lived in a tent that had a sign: We don’t care at all! This was a direct overlap to transcendence. Also our Bapasaba does and says: "All is good," later refined to: "All is good for shit."

Then we’ve read and experienced whatever but increasingly greater husks of knowledge that we were taking in and bringing about that our perceptions were getting lost more and more in a multi-layer packaging that prevented us from feeling the real reality.

Now I am still reading that Castaneda – it’s not about any comprehesive logical system, but rather it consists of only fragments of some sort, but many things correspond to what you or I have already said.

Take care,






by Jan (Johnny) Petrek


This happened in the distant future. On its journey through space a craft with earthlings came across a planet where they discovered life very similar to the one on Earth.

The research of the planet showed that the creatures living there with an appearance almost the same as people on Earth were still living in the phase which has not yet reached the standard technical level. Their life was very simple, based on agriculture and domestic animals. There were also simple crafts and trade, which they used for bartering.

The expedition's commanders realized that any intervention in the lives of those beings would mean a disaster. Under no circumstances must there be any mutual contact so as not to affect their natural development. The spaceship, however, crashed and only one astronaut, Redemer, survived. He knew that his chances of returning home were slim. In school he completed a course of survival. He learnt how to get water, food, how to navigate in unfamiliar terrain, how to react to unknown forms of life… It was a game in which he competed with his classmates who would survive the longest.

This time it was not a game…

Slowly, piece by piece, Redemer was putting together the implications of what had just happened.

He realized that actually he was a dead man.

One part of his life was definitely over. His family, friends and home planet ceased to exist. They will remain only memories.

He was born into a new life, a totally foreign one. He will have to start from scratch like a child and gradually get to know the environment by sucking in the tangible reality. He would become part of it and blend into its network and forever forget that he came to a world somewhere far away.

Years have gone by.

Redemer was slowly becoming part of life on the unknown planet. He was taken care of and adopted by a family that lost its only son in a misfortune. He invented a story that he came from a far away country, from which he had to flee. They believed him, because such an event was not a rarity in the life of local residents. Often it was necessary to change the place and identity because there were no laws. An archaic common law was in place: the winner takes all, eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. Life in such circumstances was very unpredictable.

These beings still lived in social groupings that did not recognize the principle of altruism. The best prospects for success in life were aggressiveness, power and wealth. Social structures were decimated by constant disputes and endless local wars. A struggle for power was the central theme of functioning in their social environment.

It was very difficult for Redemer to get used to such diverse conditions and value orientation of a society that once a long time ago dominated his home planet and about whose rules he only knew from classroom benches.

But he knew that he would have to get used to all this.

And not only that, he will also have to accept the rules of the game and act as a valid member of the environment.

This also meant to kill, plunder…

Can he do it? Can he get rid of all ethical principles, which grew up with from childhood and that commanded appreciation and acceptance of every living being?

Redemer was becoming more and more aware that he would fail. It seemed that his second life in an environment with rules of survival, which were in absolute contradiction with everything that constituted his personality, will not last long.

If he does not kill, they will kill him.

Thus is an inevitable end awaiting him?

Redemer knew that one option exists. But it was an option that he would have to break the strict rules by intervening in the life of this emerging civilization and starting to spread new ideas, by telling these beings that there is yet another world, a world where violence and brutal power do not rule, a world where life is the highest value, a world where the principle of a functioning society is altruism.

But does he have the right to do so?

All the same, these creatures will find it out by themselves. This is a natural law of the cosmic evolution of life. Does he have the right to accelerate its development and unexpectedly bring fundamentally new elements into their scale of values?

Redemer did not know what their reaction would be. He will have to start slowly and carefully by creating a circle of beings around him who would take in his message and identify with it.

He had already met many individuals whose thinking was further ahead from the rest of their community. These individuals will be the first to accept his teaching.

They will continue spreading it.

He knew the laws of information dissemination well. In school it was his favorite subject. The information collapsing conventional system has a great vitality. It always finds a way to break through. In the end, this information will overload the system and cause its fundamental transformations. The society then will take another step forward.

Redemer became aware of another thing. If he wants the information to be more penetrating, he will have to make sacrifice by using the effect which he vaguely recalled from the sociology class about the behavior of social structures. He knew that sooner or later it will become uncomfortable for individuals satisfied with the current system. He will not avoid persecution.

On his side, however, will be beings who will adore him for his message. They will protect him.

His enemies, however, will get him in the end. They will give him a choice when the time for a tough decision comes…

The scenario of development, which Redemer expected, was becoming a reality with the passage of years.

The hardest part was the beginning. It was necessary to attract attention. A crisis kit, part of a life pod, helped Redemer. There he had important medicines and preparations for extracting water from the rocks.

Thanks to this, he was able to cure some beings who would otherwise have died. In a country where there was a constant drought, he attracted attention by his ability to get a glass of water from an ordinary stone.

For the beings Redemer’s actions appeared to be miracles. He received great authority. His words, advice and guidance were taken very seriously and they tried to behave according to them.

Redemer went around the country preaching wisdom. He tried to be simple so the beings could understand him. He reduced the basic pattern of behavior to two easily understandable principles: conduct oneself so as not to harm any entity and tolerate the differences of others.

It happened that a woman, who was making living by selling her body for the pleasure of men, sought Redemer’s help. The community wanted to stone her because in their eyes she was a sinner.

Redemer stood before the woman and said: "Let him, who this woman harmed, cast the first stone."

Creatures remained at a loss. There was no one who could say that this woman had done a bad deed to anyone. The angered crowd shamefully broke up.

A new concept of behavior in the social system was spreading quickly. It was bringing changes into the quality of life which fundamentally changed relations making the system more stable and thus more viable.

However, what happened was what Redemer expected. Those, whose wealth and power were threatened by his teachings, were preparing to capture him.

Redemer suspected that the end time was coming. He prepared a feast and he invited twelve of his most loyal students. It was his last supper.

Redemer announced what was awaiting him. He urged them to continue spreading his message. The students rebelled and did not want to admit the end, but Redemer explained to them that it was a necessity, and what would follow, will bring a great benefit to his teachings as well as all beings.

It was getting dark. Dinner ended. The company sadly broke up.

Redemer retreated into seclusion at the top of a nearby hill. The students respected his solitude. Oftentimes, they had seen him in this manner alone under the night sky. He stared at the stars as if talking to someone. "I can’t do any more. I have no strength," he whispered and gazed at one of billions of stars. "I’m only human. Maybe I’ve helped these beings, but I am different from them, and every day I’m more and more different. My personality is falling apart, and I know what it means. I remember the texts from my psychiatry textbook: 'A total isolation from the cultural and social environment of the parent planet sooner or later brings decay into the integrity of consciousness.' It can’t be stopped. The diagnosis will only be getting worse and worse. There is no way out."

Last Updated (Friday, 27 November 2009 19:22)